Sunday, June 14, 2009

Progress In The Yard

Ok, so I'm no gardener or landscaper, unlike someone else I know. But I've made a concentrated effort this year to get the back yard looking better than last. So after planting some veggies and flowers back during the (U.S.) long weekend, things are actually showing progress in producing something for the efforts.

Mint, Peas


Pumpkins & Wildflowers

Tomatoes, Peppers, Pole Beans

Bush Beans, Carrots

Also, have taken the time to weed out around the trees and put in some mulch (14 bags) this past weekend. The photos show some before/after effects of that work as well.

1 comment:

Sodbuster said...

Way to lay that mulch. I guess I'll have to post some shots of my garden to show off my awsome powers of gardening... Carefully framed, cropped, dodged and burned it shows pretty good right now.